Code of Conduct Register update

In November 2023, the National Commission Code of Conduct HE took note with concern of media reports about international students attending or having attended the Bachelor of Nursing International programme at Avans+. The Commission requested Avans+ to provide information on how Avans+ complies with the Code of Conduct International Student HE. Avans+ provided the Commission with relevant information in writing. Subsequently, the Commission invited Avans+ to explain a number of issues in an interview.

After careful consideration and weighing of all the information, the Commission decided to impose the measure ‘removal from the Code of Conduct Register’ on Avans+ for a period of at least two years. The Commission considers that Avans+ has seriously failed to comply with the Code of Conduct. This severe measure is considered proportionate given the seriousness of the situation. During the period of the measure, Avans+ is not expected to be able to enrol any new international students who require a residence permit. Avans+ has assured the Commission that it will make every effort to ensure that current students are given the opportunity to continue their educational pathways.

The Commission has asked DUO, in its role as register administrator, to cancel the registration in the Code of Conduct Register of Avans+ with effect from 15 June 2024.