The Code of Conduct at a glance

The Code of Conduct review which was concluded in 2022 resulted in numerous valuable recommendations. Following one recommendation, the National Commission initiated a communication plan, which in turn paved the way for the development of a Higher Education Code of Conduct Visual Storytelling Sheet. The Visual Storytelling Sheet is intended to provide employees of education institutions and international students with easily accessible information about the Code of Conduct. The Visual Storytelling Sheet was collaboratively created by the illustrator/owner of Denkschets, in consultation with representatives from the National Commission and the Students Advisory Board, resulting in a visually appealing sketch. With some post-editing and a few finishing touches, the Visual Storytelling Sheet was completed as the final version.

The National Commission invites all parties to use the Visual Storytelling Sheet whenever communicating about the Code of Conduct. The Visual Storytelling Sheet is also suitable for displaying at the international offices of education institutions. This summer, the Visual Storytelling Sheet will be made available in various formats via